Forgive Them.

It’s ok that you didn’t know better. 

You come from a long line of pain, in-equity, abuse, neglect, power-struggles, abandonment… the list goes on.

The rivers of this earth bleed with generations of ancestral trauma.

We forgot.

And now, we are remembering.

The beauty of the cosmos that live inside each of us. 

The humans of this planet are walking out of their pain caves. 

One by one.

Greeting the miracle of every moment with the water that connects us all pouring out of their gleaming eyes.

Even in death, love does not disappear.

It is all around you.

It is in you. 

But you forgot.

You said it’s over there.

Beyond that.

In them. 

But certainly not in them.

Civilizations rise and fall. Empires are lost to the talons of history. Humans attack and destroy one another. Over the great fallacy. The human idea that there is only one way. One truth. That we all must adhere to.

And if you don’t, I will make you suffer. 

In my holy righteous rage. 

Vengeance grows.

More is lost.

Without forgiveness, this world is bound to repeat the same mistakes of our ancestors. 


The cycle stops. 

When each and everyone one of us forgives everyone.

But I couldn’t possibly forgive X you say.

Don’t you realize, they too were raised in the same broken system as you?

They too were neglected, abused, told they weren’t worthy. They too were oppressed. Down-trodden. They too were implanted with the idea that robs each and everyone of us of our power. That feeling that drives capitalism. 

The feeling that allows you to aspire to own multiple houses while others have none.

The feeling is unworthiness. 

This feeling blankets our planet. 

These Nepali children are the down-trodden. 

They are the other. 

These faces, these miracles are being punished. 

It’s not us, it’s the Universe.

It’s their karma.

They have been born into “Dalit” families.

The Dalit are the untouchables. 

They are the lowest caste throughout India & Nepal.

They work the dirtiest of jobs. They are obligated to. 

Because of their caste. Their lot. Their karma.

These children are heading toward a tunnel of painful discrimination.

The Dalit once carried cups around to catch their spit. Even the sidewalk was holier than they. 

Higher castes wash themselves after touching the Dalit. The Dalit can not touch the water vessels of higher castes. Or food. Their filth will contaminate it. They often live in separate villages. 


Society goes on like this. Now. As you read this. The Dalit are struggling under thousands of years of oppression. Of segregation. Of separateness. 

We are entering a new age of segregation. Of separateness. Of oppression. 

We have been selected to live at this incredible time. 

The tide will turn, if we can forgive.

We are remembering.

All that is here. All that is being unearthed. 

Me and you, and all the people of the world who are waking up. We are each taking ice picks to thousands and thousands of years of subterranean perma-frost. 

Where we stand, we chip away at the ice. 

Others say, don’t take my ground.

We say it was never ground to begin with.

It is the illusion. 

Of separateness. 

Of right and wrong. 

The illusion of good and evil.

Of punishment. 

The illusion that segregation equals safety.

We are doing it, again.

We can not point our finger out of this mess.

Keep the dirty ones separate. 

Families are being torn apart. 

It is here. 

The pain.

Of an epoch. 

Is being unearthed.

We have awoken the monsters that have been silently swimming in the deep. We are exposing them.

This is a time of revelation. 

The mirrors, are closing in. 

They are not walls. 

We can no longer look away. 

It is almost blinding, everywhere you look. 

But the light doesn’t have to blind you. 

When you emancipate yourself from the mother of Grendel within yourself. 

You are free. 

To walk.

Out of your cave.


Eternal and complete in your soul.

When you reclaim your power. 

The pain that once obscured your vision, vanishes. 

The eye inside your heart opens. 

You will see a world of wounded humans. 

Humans abusing one another and their home.

It seems terminal.

You will seek refuge in the arms of those who are like you.

Sensitive. Awake.

You will feel it. Deeply.

You will be confronted with horrific pain and guilt. You are a part of a society that treats “criminals”, children, women, minorities, the abused, the disabled, animals, our rivers, like worthless garbage.

It will bring you to your knees.

Over and over again.

Your body has been designed to feel. 

To feel it all. 

The grief. The pain. The hurt.

The love. The ecstasy. The joy

I know it’s hard. 

This world is in pain. 

Some will die by the sword of their own splintered heart.

Forgive them.

Forgive yourself. 

We are doing our absolute best. 

You are doing your best. 

It’s no one’s fault that these little children are… oh wait…

They’re happy. They’re children.

The young ones haven’t yet been touched by the cruelty of this world.

They eyes of the older children reveal what’s coming.


The ones who haven’t yet learned to look away.

The cruelty of this world hasn’t poisoned them yet. 

They don’t yet know that they’re unworthy. 

Because they’re not. 

And neither are you.

Forgiveness is changing my life. 

I could not forgive others until I forgave myself.

Despite my deepest desire to only bring love and kindness into this world, I have also brought pain and suffering into this world. My sensitive heart has cracked many times. I have been lost in the reactive echos of my own pain cave hundreds of times. 

I wish it weren’t so. I wish I knew better back then. 

But I didn’t. 

I am sorry. To everyone I have ever forced to drink from the waters of my pain. 

I truly am sorry.


I forgive you. 

We have all been orphaned by indifference. 

When everyone one this planet forgives one another, the “them” problem goes away.

Greed, abuse, shame, and fear release.

A truly healthy society does not need an external power to guide them.

They all know it lives inside of them. The children will not be conditioned to forget.

Discord wields a loaded gun.

History will repeat itself. 

Until we all practice forgiveness.

United forgiveness.

You will have to give up the power that you are siphoning off this resentment. 

The high it gives you to sit in your holy rage. 

That power is standing between you and your well of energy.

That’s part of the illusion. 

The power we get from being right. 

From punishing others. 

The power we get from acting like a victim, and a hero.

There is a power that never goes away. The well never runs dry. 

Once you reach the water, you will remember. 

Teach others.

Forgive freely.

Your parents, your siblings, your exes, your abusers.

Forgive everyone. 

Start close in. 

It is my deepest wish that the children of this world inherit a land of love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, generosity, safety, and freedom.

I believe we can give it to them.

This is a sacred prayer.  If you felt it, please share it. 

If you would like to enter into a season of forgiveness in your life, I would love  to send you an image of a miracle. Along with a message of forgiveness. 

I will give a portion of the proceeds to the children pictured. I am still in direct contact with the  non-profit organization who orchestrated the creation of these images with me. They are doing their best to bring love, kindness, and equity to these children. 

If you would like to have one of these images on your wall, or would like to gift an image to a friend.  Donate to this prayer & share forgiveness with the world.

Include in your message the photo(s) you want printed, along with your mailing address.

Contact me directly to send these images as gifts.

(Contact info included below.)

All images printed on matte photo paper sized 8 1/2 “X 11”

Suggested donation $55 per image.

Minimum donation of $15 per/ print (if you live in the states). 

Give what you can. 

And know that you are sharing the message of forgiveness. 

Purchase before Sunday, December 19th to receive before Christmas.

Each image will come with a prayer of forgiveness included.

To donate click here.

Or scan the code below

With great pain comes an even  greater capacity to forgive and to love.

May love find you when you least expect it.

All my love,


Contact me here

Feel free to send questions & love.

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